God's Love Makes Us One

Every family is dysfunctional. From the moment Adam and Eve moved out from under the umbrella of God’s protection, the family has been washed up. In that moment, God left Man’s spirit, and on his own, Man is naturally self-centered, greedy, and destructive—every man, every woman, from Genesis until today.

But God, in His mercy, gave Man—every man and every woman—a do over. He gave every marriage an opportunity not only to make it but to thrive and to go the distance. He did this on Calvary when He poured out His love. A husband and wife who both revere Him as Lord share together in His Love.

When they both allow the Holy Spirit to work in them, molding each to become more Christ-like, they enjoy true intimacy. Pastor Adrian Rogers said, “The word intimate comes from a Latin word, ‘intimus,’ which means inmost. That means the inmost part of me relating to the inmost part of my wife; the Bible describes it as being, ‘One flesh.’”

One Lord, One Love

At Love Worth Finding, we are exploring the concept of God’s love making us one. “Whether you’re married or not, Pastor Rogers said, “you’re part of society, and society is not going to be any stronger than its homes.”

While we will primarily be talking about husbands and wives—their relationship and their roles in the family—there are numerous biblical examples of God’s love engendering close fellowship. God’s love made Ruth and Naomi one in their faithfulness to care for one another. That same love from and for God brought unity to the home of siblings Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, Jesus’ friends at Bethany. The Church as a whole relies on One Lord to make us one in brotherhood and mission. Just as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one, oneness is the divine design not just for marriage but for all of God’s people.

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“To be completely known and still be loved is the goal of marriage.”

Adrian Rogers

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The cultural idea of family has changed dramatically in the past several years. The divorce rate is falling, but so is the marriage rate. Same-sex marriage is legal, and single-parent homes are commonplace. Cohabitation before, or instead of, marriage has increased steadily over the past 50 years. Our society encourages everyone to embrace all different types of families, and we often wonder: Is God’s design for the family still relevant to us today?

Be assured, God created marriage. It is not a man-made social construct that we have evolved beyond. Satan has been trying to destroy it ever since the Garden. But families are the foundation of human society and a reflection of God Himself. Even today, God’s Word gives us the principles we need to be able to build strong families that honor Him.

“God made us different that He might make us one.”

Adrian Rogers

Resources for Digging Deeper